§ 2.12.030. Lieutenant of Police — Duties and powers.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Appointment. Upon recommendation by the Chief of Police, the lieutenant of police may be appointed by the Village Board.
    Second in Command. The lieutenant of police shall act as the second in command under the directive(s) of the Chief of Police, police committee and the Village Board of trustees.
    Removal from Office. The lieutenant of police may be removed from office for cause upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police subject to the applicable provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes.
    Employment Contract. The lieutenant of police shall be subject to the terms and provisions of the respective employment contract relating to said individual and position. In the event the term of contract lapses and no new or replacement contract is ratified by the Village Board of trustees the prior written contract shall remain in full force and effect until supplemented with its replacement.
    Organization. The Village police department shall consist of the position of Chief of Police, lieutenant of police, and such other officers as the Chief of Police shall recommend, subject to approval of the Village Board.
    Powers and Duties. The lieutenant of police shall possess the power and duties conferred on police officers of the Village and those additional power and duties set forth in the lieutenant of police job description.
    Assumption of Duties. The lieutenant of police shall assume the duties and powers of the Chief of Police in the chief's absence.
    Other Duties. The lieutenant of police shall be required to perform any other duties given him or her by the Chief of Police or contained in his or her employment contract.
    Patrol Function. The lieutenant of police shall be responsible for the patrol function of the department with direction from the Chief of Police.
    Disciplinary Investigations and Actions. In the absence of the Chief of Police, the lieutenant of police shall be involved in disciplinary actions arising in the normal course of department operations only at and upon the direction(s) of the Chief of Police.
    Shift Duties. In the absence of the Chief of Police, the lieutenant of police shall, when working a patrol shift be responsible for all those duties normally required during that shift and shall supervise those officers performing the patrol function.
    Administrative Knowledge. The lieutenant of police shall be familiar with the department policies and procedures and rules and regulations.
Prior code § 4.03