§ 2.12.040. Police officers.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    General Powers and Duties. Each officer of the department shall possess the powers conferred on marshals and constables by law, shall preserve the public peace, and enforce the laws and ordinances of the state and Village subject to the orders, rules and regulations of the chief, the President, and the board.
    Powers of Arrest. The Chief of Police and any police officer shall arrest all persons in the Village found in the act of violating any law or ordinance of the Village or state or aiding or abetting in such violation, and they shall arrest without warrant all persons whom they have reasonable grounds to believe have violated any law or ordinance and who will not be apprehended unless immediately arrested, shall take all arrested persons in charge and confine them, and shall within a reasonable time bring such persons before the court having jurisdiction thereof to be dealt with according to law.
Prior code § 4.04